About us

About us

The Panth Sewak Collective is a group of veteran Sikh Parcharaks, guerrilla warriors, leaders of the War for Khalistan, social workers and other respected personalities who have been toiling in service of the Panth in their respective fields for a major portion of their lives. Recognizing the need of the hour, these Panth Sewaks have now come together and taken up the mission to reconnect the Sikh populace with the traditions of the Guru Khalsa Panth.

Post colonization, the Sikhs have adopted western practices of organizing (for example, voting) and leading themselves while abandoning the sacred traditions of Gurmatta (Collective decision making) and Panch Pardhani (“Leadership of the chosen 5”) passed down to us by the Gurus. Distancing ourselves from the teachings if the Gurus has led to rapid decline in credibility and organizational capacity of Sikh institutions and organizations, which puts us at a grave disadvantage in these volatile times where the entire political system of the world is virtually crumbling and on a path of self-destruction.

Through constant dialogue with the Sangat, press releases addressing current political developments in real time, informative sessions on Khalsayi traditions and practicing these traditions of our ancestors to discuss and possibly solve the socio-political issues that the Panth faces today, the Panth Sewak Collective aims to inspire Sikh Sangat to relearn, understand and practice the traditions of Guru Khalsa Panth. “

The above mentioned introduction should be followed by individual photos and a small introduction of all the Panth Sewaks.

Panth Sewaks

Discover Panth Sewak through vibrant multimedia – videos, articles, and more, enriching your Sikh journey. The Guru Khalsa Panth always operated as a concrete institution with a clear distinction between the divine patshahi bestowed upon the Khalsa, and its objective to establish halemi raj in this world. The Panth itself was the overarching guiding force and organizational framework of Sikh mobilization